Child Specific

Hostel: Dar-E-Arqam Girls’ Hostel has been established in the first year of foundation of the Trust i.e. 2014. It is located in Shivneri Nagar, Kondhwa Khurd, Pune (Maharashtra, India). This centre caters its services to 60 girls in the age group of 6 to 18 years. Girls of single parent, poor families or broken families are provided with food, shelter, clothing, education and culture at this centre. From June 2022, the capacity of the Hostel is going to be increased by purchase or lease of a small building nearby. 30 new girls would be given admission into the Hostel.
English School: Dare Arqam English School is being run by the Trust in Shivneri Nagar, Kondhwa Khurd area of Pune city. The area is largely populated by labour class families. Every family wish to educate their child in a private English medium school, notwithstanding their financial condition. We try our best to give quality education in minimum fees possible.

Urdu School: Urdu language is fast dying in India. One after other Urdu schools are closing. Very few people understand the importance of keeping this magnificent language alive. For those few sane people, we have been running Dare Arqam Urdu School along with English school. The Trust has also adopted a closing Urdu school.


Knowledge of Deen is also important as is schooling. The Trust is running evening Maktab for the girls of Shivneri Nagar neighbourhood. More than 40 girls are learning Islamic subjects at this centre. Women of the area also benefit from the said Maktab.

Women Specific

Girls’ Hostel: Needs and problems of women are main focus of our Trust. The Girls’ Hostel is one of our various projects for the welfare of girl child. Dar-E-Arqam Girls’ Hostel has been established in the first year of foundation of the Trust i.e. 2014. It is located in Shivneri Nagar, Kondhwa Khurd, Pune (Maharashtra, India). This centre caters its services to 60 girls in the age group of 6 to 18 years. Girls of single parent, poor families or broken families are provided with food, shelter, clothing, education and culture at this centre. From June 2022, the capacity of the Hostel is going to be increased by purchase or lease of a small building nearby. 30 new girls would be given admission into the Hostel.

Skill Development: We believe in give axe instead of bowl. Giving skill is better than giving alms in charity. Skilling is permanent solution to financial problems of women. It also empowers them socially and boosts their self-respect and respect in their own family. Dar-E-Arqam runs vocational classes for girls and women where they are taught tailoring, Mahendi and cooking etc.

Widow Eid fund: Before every Eidul-Fitr, widows of the neighbourhood are given funds to celebrate their Eid in their own way respectfully. Occasionally, they are also given help in the form of ration-kits etc.

Family Counselling:

Most families break up due to lack of awareness of rights of women and clarity about role of individuals in family. Our learned and experienced counsellors counsel such families, especially victims of domestic violence and their in-laws.
Shelter to victims of domestic violence: In some cases, victims of domestic violence are in distress and danger of physical harm. In such situation, we also give temporary shelter to such women and children.

Community Specific

Free Oxygen Machines: During 2nd wave of the Covid crisis, beds were not available in hospitals. Patients had to wait for at least 2 to 3 days to find a bed. During this wait, they needed oxygen support which was also not available with the govt. as well as private organisations. Many people were dying just because of oxygen scarcity. To counter this problem, Dar-E-Arqam bought 14 Oxygen Concentrator Machines which were imported from Germany. The Trust gave these machines free of cost to the Covid affected patients for 3 to 5 days till they got admitted in hospitals. This project saved dozens of lives. The project is still going on. Since the pandemic has decreased, non-Covid patients are also benefitting from those machines now.

Free Ration Kits: During lock-down period under Covid crisis, poor families lost their livelihood. The communities were facing hunger and malnutrition problem. In such situation, Dar-E-Arqam Trust distributed Free Ration Kits to hundreds of families in Kondhwa Khurd area of Pune city. The ration purchased cost more than 7 lakh rupees.
Free Ramzan Kit: Very poor families are given Ramzan Ration Kits which include items used for cooking sehri and dinner so that they can spend their Roza peacefully and respectfully.
Free Eid Kits: Very poor families are given Eid Kits which include items used for cooking special Eid meal and Sheer-Kurma so that they can celebrate their Eid with fellow Muslim community.
Legal Advice: Many people face such issues in their family life or social life that they need to take legal action. Whereas some people are victims of unprovoked legal actions. It is a very confusing and tense situation for them. These people are given expert legal advice at the Trust office.
Water Supply: There is a labour camp in Kondhwa Khurd area of Pune city where families of construction labour live in shanties made of bamboo and tin sheets. They lacked proper water source. Dar-E-Arqam Trust made provision of free drinking water for them. Next to that water point a big water vessel was kept for stray animals like cows and goats also for drinking, especially during summer season.
Promotion of Education: Lack of education causes uncivility and poverty. In turn, poor people are seen to be less interested in educating their children. Dar-E-Arqam regularly runs campaigns to promote education among poor localities of Kondhwa Khurd area using posters, banners, handbills, rallies of school children and house to house visit.
RTE Awareness: The govt. of India has made it compulsory for all private schools to reserve 25% admissions for children of poor families. Ironically, the poor people are unaware of the scheme or its process. Dar-E-Arqam team creates awareness among them about the scheme and its process. We also help them apply online for the admission as they are unable to do so due to lack of education.
Govt. Schemes Awareness: The govt. of India has made number of schemes related to health, education and livelihood for poor families. But the poor people are unaware of these schemes or their process. Dar-E-Arqam team creates awareness among them about these schemes and their processes. We also help them apply for these schemes as they are unable to do so due to lack of education.
Medical Assistance: Medical treatment is quite expensive. Poor people struggle to get timely and quality treatment. But the govt. has many schemes under which they can get free or cheaper treatment in private hospitals. We assist people in availing such schemes. In some emergency cases, we also help such patients financially, to some extent.
Anti-Begging Campaign: Begging is disliked in Islam and illegal as per Indian law. But beggars’ rackets are big menace in India. They are professional beggars who don’t deserve alms but pester general public and create other nuisance. These people flock Muslim localities in Ramzan. Dar-E-Arqam, along with other local NGOs, ran Anti-Begging Campaign in Kondhwa are of Pune city. The team stood outside masajid holding placards and posters to create awareness among Muslim community about this menace. A meeting with local police officer was held and the police took action against them in the holy month of Ramzan 2021.

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would like further information.

(+91) 844 617 6062 / 848 384 8641

Shivneri Nagar, Lane No. 12
Kondhwa Khurd, Pune - 411048